Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Feeling Misunderstood

I am sure all of us in this situation can collectively agree one of the most irritating things to encounter is the person that has the lack of empathy. Generally this person is the same person that expresses "sympathy" which is the last thing we need.... Empathy Yes... Sympathy.. HELL NO! My solution is to keep those folks at arms length. Deal with them on your terms meaning when you are in the mood otherwise you will find yourself mad as hell while they are happy and totally clueless . Don't bother trying to explain it either... They won't get it (trust me).. Keep your circle armed with a supportive cast and that will give you the emotional balance you need.

Tip#1 -
For those of you that live in the suburbs... NICOR has a program to get reconnected if you are currently disconnected before the heating season starts. The deadline to sign up for this program is Sept 18th, contact them directly at 877 444 2947.

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