Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Similiar is the not the Same

Happy Wednesday!... Let me be clear this blog was not created as a means to support and participate in pity parties.... its just a passage to let those know that's in the same situation you are not alone. The words "empathy" and "sympathy" sound similar but they are not the same. According to Webster empathy means "the identification of oneself with another and the capacity to feel or experience similar emotions.. aka to empathized.... while sympathy means to feel sorry or have pity; a feeling of compassion for ones suffering. A lost of a job doesn't mean you are in need of pity. It means just what the words are... lost of a job. Your job doesn't define your character or the substance you represent. So now since that has been cleared lets move on to something of greater meaning... How can we turn around what appears to be a new challenge into a welcomed new task soon to be completed.

1 comment:

  1. Personally, i'm thinkin' Snickers helps but probably not in the long run.

    In the interim, it helps to leverage your network, contact multiple recruiters, and obsessively search those job boards. And GET DRESSED. Just like you're going to work. Cuz you are.
